Why work with me?

Because together with me, you’ll:

  • Shed light on your blind spots, self-limiting beliefs and toxic patterns.

  • Clear blockages (physical, emotional and energetic) that keep you stuck.

  • Become aware of what’s possible in you life.

I call this work revealing The Beauty Behind Your Barriers. In other words: your authentic core is likely buried beneath conditioning, trauma, learnt beliefs and other baggage - all stuff that you don’t need to carry with you anymore.

Why is this a worthwhile path? Because your authentic core is where the fulness of your potential resides. Your intuition. Your creativity. Your talents. Your flow. Your joy and your wonder. Everything, in short, that makes you unique. Your realness holds the key to a life of freedom, meaning and purpose.

So, are you ready to start letting life work for you instead of against you? Hit the button below and book a free introduction call.


My toolbox


I’m a certified breathwork coach (Conscious Connected Breathing). I’ve trained here.

The magic of breathwork lies in the fast and easy way in which it achieves profound results. As we simply breathe deeply and rhythmically into our bellies, we quickly quiet down our mind, the rigid control centre, that causes so much of our suffering. This allows deeper layers of ourselves to emerge.

Breathwork releases anything that has become stuck in our system, so it can be felt, integrated and/or released. After all, Feeling It Is Healing It. And as we shed more and more of our burdens, we become lighter, clearer and more whole.

To deepen your process, I use bodywork and voice release techniques during my sessions.


I’m a certified circling facilitator and circling coach. I’ve trained here.

Circling is a transformational meditation-in-relation practice. It relies on deep presence, on showing up as and in truth, and on the courage to fully feel what is alive in you and in others. It creates self-awareness, helps heal (relational) trauma and transforms through our innate capacity for connection.

Circling-based coaching adds the forward-looking, solution-seeking qualities of coaching to the practice of circling, which I’ve been involved in for a decade.

(To be complete: I’m also a qualified Co-Active Coach. I’ve trained here.)


Your Inner Child is not just some wishy washy New Age concept; it’s actually alive and present within you. The problem is that it’s often deeply wounded. Worse still: it will continue to sabotage your adult life until you address it needs.

Through deep visioning & imagining meditations, I help you rescript traumatic memories, heal your inner child and reconnect you to your innocence and life force.


In a very sense, we all suffer from multiple personality disorder, as traumatic experiences have caused parts of ourselves to split off, go into hiding and develop into sub-personalities that end up dictating much of our behaviour (even though we are often perfectly unaware of them).

Through dialogue techniques, which involve letting your hidden parts speak, we integrate them so they stop running the show.

The result? We heal, meaning we get access to more of our own innate awareness.


I believe in teaching from the wound. In other words: I can best guide others through issues I have thoroughly lived through myself.

I’ve often sorely missed this sort of guidance myself. And I’ve felt lost as a result.

So now I guide through embodied listening, attunement and reflection. Through vulnerable, honest sharing of my own lessons learned. And through establishing a shared reality that allows for the natural emergence of awareness, integration and ways forward .

Only you can ultimately discover your own path in life. But skilful guidance certainly helps sometimes.


Sometimes, an entheogenic journey is the best way to heal and move forward. Please see the page Guided Tripping on this website for more information about the services I offer in this field.


Pricing & conditions


  • 3 sessions

Energy exchange: € 549 (incl. 21% VAT)


  • 6 sessions

Energy exchange: € 999 (incl. 21% VAT)


  • 12 sessions

Energy exchange: € 1799 (incl. 21% VAT)


  • Sessions consist of breathwork and/or life coaching, depending on the need of the client.

  • Sessions are held in my practice space in Amsterdam, or online if the client prefers so.

  • Sessions last 90 minutes.

  • Annuleringsvoorwaarden: gratis als cliënt >48u voor de sessie annuleert; 50% in rekening als cliënt 24-48u voor de sessie annuleert; normale sessieprijs als cliënt <24hrs voor de sessie annuleert.